Monday 12 March 2012

Week 3 Sketches

Here is a sketch of goalie Ilya Bryzgalov's mask. Using a photograph for reference. 

A sketch from imagination of a field scientist in a contaminated area.  (possible character concept)

Cylinder in Kenya Scene

Here I have added a 3D model of a cylinder to a 2D scene in Photoshop. I used 3Ds Max to create artificial lighting on the cylinder and to cast a shadow. I had to edit settings so that the light soruce matched the 2D scene. I gave the cylinder a texture so it didn't seem to flat and to make it look as if it belonged in the scene given.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Mad Scientist UVW Mapping

Here are screen shots of the UVW mapping I have done following a tutorial to make the maps 'unstretched' by making the chequered pattern as square as possible. I have done the UVW mapping to both the scientist's trousers and his jacket. I didn't find this too difficult and I did learn some new things, such as the green lines are the texture's seams.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Week 2 Sketches

Heres photos of my week 2 sketches. Which includes my box 360 and computer drawn from life and a dinosaur with a gun from imagination. 2H, H, HB, B, 2B pencils.

Week 1 Sketches

Here are photos of my week 1 sketches. The bo 360 controller is drawn from life and the cartoon hockey player on his knees is from imagination. HB pencil.

Muscle Studies

Here is a photo of a page from my sketchbook where I have 3 studies of muscles. Inluding a; leg, arm and hand. HB pencil.


Here I created a robot in Photoshop in a pixel art style using 30 degree lines. I didnt find this too difficult however I find this quite slow style of art for the end result.