Monday 30 April 2012

Speed Paint Space Marine

A speed painting of a space marine - I'm not too pleasd with the outcome. I will create a new piece to replace this once as this looks more like a secret agent than a 'macho space marine'.

Monday 23 April 2012

Lighting Exercise

45 minute lighting exercise to see how well we could create an image by firstly panting in the light and darks areas without colour picking. I'm pleased with the outcome of this piece as I believe I have captured the lighting quite well and you can see where the light is coming from.  

Monday 16 April 2012

Fishing Newt

Here is my painting of the fishing newt which I am not too pleased with as I have not done a good enough job at blending the colours together to give a better 3D feel to the image and to make it hold it's form a lot better. I will go back over this piece to do these adjustments.

Tree Bark Inspired Creature

A creature I created that resembles a monkey inspired by tree bark. This evolved form of a money blends in with trees effortlessly with it's tree-bark-like coat.

I think if I did this again, I could do a much better job. However, I am some-what happy with the outcome.

Horror Rabbit

Here is a speed painting of a horror-fied rabbit featuring long, sharp teeth and claws. I used a fur texture to give it a little bit of a realism effect but I still wanted to keep the cartoony feeling by giving the rabbit unrealistic features such as it's claws, eyes and teeth - which I exaggerated the size on.