Monday 14 May 2012

More Sketches

Life drawing of a branch over hanging the lake where I was fishing

Life drawing of my desk.

Life drawing of one of my Ghost Carp in my tank.

Drawing from imagination of a crazy looking fish.

Drawing from imagination of a scene in the desert where a huge worm is attacking a couple of people and their camels. 

Life drawing of an Anubis figure.

Fishing Lizard

Here's my updated version of the 'fishing newt'. I started from scratch following the tutorial and managed to come out with a much better result in my opinion. The brush techniques I learnt I used in my updated space marine painting as they do help with painting quickly due to how they allow you to build up the tone depending on how many strokes you do and how hard you press.

Space Marine - Updated

Here I have produced a new space marine painting rather than updating my previous one. I believe this one looks a lot more like a space marine as it has the heavy duty armour which gives it that tough feeling the space marines have. I think the piece is quite successful for a painting of less than 2 hours as I usually like to take my time to make sure tones are correct to make sure the panting holds it's form. 

Horror Rabbit - Updated

Here I have an updated version of my Horror Rabbit - I have used better blending on the toning on the shirt and I have also added a bit of shading to the teeth to make them seem less flat as well as adding lighting and shading to the eyes to make them seem more spherical than flat. I believe the updates I have done to the piece has made it look better.