Sunday 30 September 2012

Friday 28 September 2012

Troll Lighting

I added three lights in different locations, at different strengths to give the troll interesting lighting. The strongest light was above and infront of the troll, the medium light was directly above the troll and the weakest was beghind the troll. I think that the lighting on the troll looks quite interesting as the shadows being created wouldnt look like that if there were just one light being used.

City Lighting

Here I added lighting to a city scene and added a sky to make it appear as a sunny day. I positioned the location of the light to make it look like the light was coming from where the sun is on the sky picture and tried to alter the settings of the light so that the shadows looks like the ones that would be cast on a sunny day.

Painting a Dinosaur

Here is the finished dinosaur where I painted the texture onto a texture-less dinosaur model. I tried to make my own scaley texture by using the default Photoshop brushes and trying them on different settings with a combination of lighter coloured spots. I am quite happy with the outcome however I do feel as if I could have done a better job.

UV Unwrapping a House

Above is the finished unwrapped house with all of the textures attached to the model as matertials.

Above is the UV map for one of the two signs hanging from the side of the house.

Above is the UV map for the part of the house which looks like a little room coming out of the house. (you can see it in the main screenshot)
I'm happy with the outcome of the house as I went for a 'haunted house' kind of theme using a mixture of old/rusty/dirty colours and I think I managed to make the house look some-what like a haunted house.

Modelling a Gun

Here is a simple model of a gun I have created while looking at a reference image. I am quite happy with the outcome of the model as I managed to use less than the maximum of 1500 triangles. I would like to see what it would look like after texturing it which I may do during some spare time.