Wednesday 31 October 2012

Monday 29 October 2012

Halloween Idea

Here's my sketch idea for my Halloween piece. I wanted to try and create a monster that is somewhat 'psykotik' and menacing. I image the monster to have a dark navy blue skin that is a little gooey and shiny with eyes that have a milky glow. He'd also always have a tormenting smile on his face, which is why he receives the nickname 'smiley'.

Wednesday 24 October 2012


Here's my final piece for the tree brief. I saved 2 versions, one has a character crawling up towards the tree with a torch and the other doesn't. 

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Tree Sketches

Here's a quick design of my idea for the tree brief. I wanted to create an old, damaged tree standing by it'self on top of a hill. The tree would have a story to it, such as a legend that if someone managed to make their way to the tree. It could either help them in some way or form such as granting a wish or pass on special powers.

Tree Moodboard

Wednesday 17 October 2012


Here's my final piece for the surreal brief. After finishing, I felt it was too dark as you can see in the top image, so I altered the brightness & contrast and added a orange gradient map on a low opacity to try and make it look like the glow from the burning planet in the background is lighting up the view. I used vanishing points in the top 2 corners to add perspective to the piece as well as making the mountains getting a little bit fainter as they got further away from the front.

Monday 15 October 2012

Surreal Sketches/Ideas

My sketch ideas for the surreal brief include a man riding on a large bird which carries his house on it's back. In the background you can see the sun, the moon and another planet. In the midground there's trees and mountains as well as a river.

Surreal Moodboard

Here's my moodboard for the surreal brief. I like the idea of the turtle with life on his shell. I'd like to go down a similar route to this with my surreal piece.

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Here is my final piece for the robot brief. I am happy with the outcome but I do think it can be better, as it looks a bit simple and only simple shapes have been used. I feel as if more 'complicated' shapes were used it would make the piece look more interesting.

Monday 8 October 2012

Robot Sketches/Studies

Here are my sketches for the robot brief. I originally looked at how joints on robots looked and how they're formed as well as weapons and how they hold them. I then looked at a possible design rout i could go down which involved a female cyborg sitting on the ground but I decided to go with my second idea, which is a robot samurai. I did some page studies to work out how I wanted the piece to look on the page so I could work out where the main parts of the body should be on the page to try and keep things in proportion. With the final sketch, I had to squeeze the legs in a bit as I ran out of room. However in Photoshop this will not be a problem as I can resize the painting on the fly. 

Robots Moodboard

Here is my mood board for the robots brief.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Tentacles Sketches/Studies

 Here are my sketches after researching tentacles. I wanted to get an idea on how tentacles flow and how they can bend; so that when it comes to drawing my final design and panting it, the tentacles are not moving in unexpected ways.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Tentacles Humanoid

Here is my final piece for the tentacles brief. I'm quite happy with how it has came out as I think the lighting and shading I have done has given it 3D / no flat look to it which makes it look a little more believable.