Thursday 13 December 2012

Space Ship Sketches

First idea, didn't like it much.

Second idea, I liked this one a lot more.

Front view.

Side View.

I'll be making this a 3D piece as I feel that if I can produce a better final piece using a 3D package rather than producing a 2D painting. 

Thursday 6 December 2012

Spaceship Mood Board

Mood board for the Spaceship brief

After research and looking at different ship designs, I've decided to go along the lines of a fighter ship. One that would be used in battle.

Dragon Sketches

Sketch of Dragon Anoatomy

Sketches of how I want my sculpture to look

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Dragon Sculpture

(I forgot to carry on taking WIP screenshots)

Here's my finished Dragon sculpture.

I found Sculptris a little difficult to use at first but I slowly found my way with it. I feel as if I did this again I could do a bit of a better job. My main focus on this was to try and show where the muscles are which I studied in my sketches. The wings looks like leaf-less branches as they have no skin on them, but when I tried to pull out the mesh to fill in the space, it went crazy and wouldn't stay as a smooth mesh.